Soko++ - Skins

Soko++ for Android has limited support for custom skins. All subfolders of /Android/data/nl.joriswit.soko/files/skins/ are assumed to contain skin images.

Download skins

HeavyMetal skin

To install this skin, extract the files in the zip file to the folder /Android/data/nl.joriswit.soko/files/skins/heavymetal/ on your internal SD card.

Creating skins

You can also create your own skins. All images need to have a specific name. I recommend to look at the Heavy Metal skin to see the filenames of all tiles. The mover_store.png and object_store.png images are optional (the two default skins do not use such a image). All other files are required. All images must be 50x50 pixels.

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